Historic convention to defend our rights

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MUHCEU delegation to FSSS convention:
front row: Shiaman Diawara, Sharon Othello, Megan Di Lalla, Terry Johnson
second row: Armando Rafael, Guillermo Perez, Indra Greaves
last row: Jean-Pierre Daubois (FSSS advisor), Christopher Reid

The FSSS convention is currently taking place in Drummondville until Friday.  Delegates are assessing the work of the last 3 years, voting on proposals for the future, and there will be an election for all federation positions.

The results show that our mobilization forced the government to revise its pathetic offer of 9% over 5 years, and to resign itself to offering us 17.4%, including 6% retroactivity from April 1, 2023.  We also settled numerous pay equity complaints, some of which were more than 12 years old.  These settlements will bring us significant wage adjustments.

The convention votes on policies that will enable us to oppose and mobilize against the law passed by the CAQ, which imposes the merger of all the province’s health care institutions into one.

The convention understood that this vast merger is the first step in a huge undertaking to privatize entire sectors of our public services.  The FSSS and the CSN are therefore launching the TRULY PUBLIC campaign, which will run for the long term, and for which you will be called upon to mobilize as you did during the strike, to push back the government, protect our jobs, our working conditions, and the right of access for all to quality public services.

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