The holidays

We had some clarification June 1st about the summer holidays.  Here is the situation as reported to us by human resources.

1) As much as possible, the vacations as scheduled will be honoured.

2) If there is a danger of a breach of service in a particular location, Management reserves the right to cancel part of your vacations while guaranteeing you 2 consecutive weeks.

3) Points (1) and (2) apply to personnel deployed elsewhere.

4) If employees take the initiative to cancel one or more weeks of planned vacation, the vacation will be paid at the rate of time and a half.

(5) If, to avoid a break of service, one or more weeks of vacation must be cancelled by your manager, half of the vacation will be paid at straight time and the remainder will be deferred.

We must remain very vigilant because it is possible that vacations may be cancelled by the management of your department, without there being any real danger of service breakdown.

This is why we are asking management to consult with the union before a department head cancels scheduled vacations because we want to avoid having vacations being cancelled if it is not really necessary.

Please do not hesitate to contact your union representatives to report a problem with your vacation.

To contact your site stewards :

Glen site BS02 1102 : Natale, 39305 — Guillermo 36485 — Monique 39306 —- Dereck 35311

Site MGH BS2.161 : Chris 42117 — Oliver 42116 — Vince 45488 — Indra 45771

Lachine Site 0G16 : Martin 77037 — Mathieu 77035

Satellites site: executive office — Shiaman (514) 439-8540

MUCHEU Union executive

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