Workplace contamination – it has to stop!

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According to official figures, the number of MUHC employees affected by COVID is : 

640 between the beginning of March and December 31st;


784 as of January 19.  

In other words, in 2021, over a 20-day period, 144 co-workers contracted COVID and, according to surveys, a good proportion were contaminated at work by the aerosol effect.   


This is not the way to win the battle against COVID and prevent the health care system from collapsing from the inside out.

We want N-95 or N-99 masks NOW!

This poster was designed by our colleagues of the STT- CISSS in Laval.  We adapted it with their agreement because we are not alone in having outbreaks at work and it is together that we will force this government to do what it should have been doing for the past 10 months: provide us with protective equipment that is equal to the danger.

Circulate this poster among your colleagues and friends.

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