Since 2021, the cost of food has increased by 12.1% in Quebec, as reported in the Journal de Montréal on December 22. For the cost of breakfast it is 24% increase in the last year.
It is not only food that is exploding. According to the Journal de Montréal, the cost of rent has jumped by 7.2% and mortgages by 14.5%.
Worse, according to Statistics Canada, the average price of a liter of gasoline in Montreal was $1.23 in December 2019 before the pandemic, and it had jumped to $1.73 in October 2022, an increase of 40%.
And your salary with that. 2% per year since 2020. This is a serious impoverishment of health care workers. The most serious thing is that the CAQ government wants us to accept 9% for 5 years starting in April 2023. The CAQ is proposing another 5 years of impoverishment.
It is a total insult to those who hold the health care system together through all the pitfalls, budget cuts, work overloads, mandatory overtime, the pandemic, everything goes to degrade our working and living conditions a little more.
We will not accept such impoverishment or such contempt from the government.
We have a common front to fight and we will all mobilize for our living and working conditions.
Together for a good salary
Together for good working conditions
Union executive